追求高性能、高信赖性、高便利性的系统构成。 ECM-100是可以单独试验的ALL-IN-ONE检测系统,并且重要的试验数据被保存到CF存储卡。 作为系统构成我们准备了40CH/100CH型,可以根据您的预算、设置空间来进行选择。
*用PC设定试验条件之后,就可以不使用PC来继续进行试验。 *使用ECM-100主机就可对HAST/试验槽进行自动控制,试验状况可以用ECM-100进行变更/监视。
*HAST/试验槽的开门功能等的联动装置功能也是标准装备的。 *没有通信机能的HAST/试验槽,也可以通过模拟输入来监视湿度
High speed
·The measurement circuit of an exclusive design and digital processing realize the high-speedscan of 50mseo /CH.
High precision
·The measurement circuit of an exclusive design eliminates a mechanical relay,and reduces theshift of the measurement data based on therrmoelectric power.
Highly efficient measurement cirouit
·The lock in amplifier of current measurement and voltage measurement is carried for everymeasurement board.The measurement signal buried in the noise is extracted and
measurement of the true minute resistance of a milliohm level is possible.
Noise prevention
·The noise spread on a measurement cable by twisted-pair cable adoption is reducedeffectively.
Easy maintenance
·Easy conservativeness is realized by the power supply part the control part and ameasurement part and modular structure adoption
Self-diagnostic funotion
·The resistance for self-diagnoses is carried for every measurement board, and the soundnesscheck of a measurement part is easy.
Small size and a light weight
·Since movement is also easy, the narrow space beside a chamber is utilized and a test can beperformed.